Thoughts on Global Warming: Hybrid Gets 150 MPG Using Ultracapacitors -- The AFS Trinity XH-150 Extreme Hybrid

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hybrid Gets 150 MPG Using Ultracapacitors -- The AFS Trinity XH-150 Extreme Hybrid

On the highway (TGW) – AFS Trinity Power Corporation revealed its XH-150 hybrid SUV today, which gets 150 miles per gallon, and goes 40 miles on electricity alone, at the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) in Detroit.

Also, the eXtreme Hybrid-150 has rapid acceleration, even in full electric mode, and highway speeds of up to 87 miles per hour in either hybrid or electric mode.

The car isn’t “a small two-seater,” says CEO Edward Furia; it’s a, “medium-size family SUV designed to support a serious supermarket run or a family’s weekend recreational activities.”

The next step for the company is to license its breakthrough technology to carmakers, Furia said. “However,” he continued, “If carmakers decide not to take advantage of this offer, AFS Trinity intends to raise the funds to begin modifying existing hybrids or manufacture its own 150 mpg SUV’s and, eventually, 250 mpg sedans. We believe such production models could be available for sale in three years.”

Trinity’s new technology is expected to increase the cost of SUVs by about $8700. That means if gas prices stay around $2.85, cost savings could “repay the purchase price premium in 3.5 years.”

How it works
Typically, hybrids only use electric motors at low speeds or in combination with gasoline for maximum speeds. AFS Trinity, on the other hand, took a purist position. The gasoline engine doesn’t start until the electric battery runs down.

The car also uses ultracapacitors to capture much more energy from when the driver hits the breaks.

The idea behind the AFS Trinity uses a basic rule of thumb: most drivers drive less than 40 miles a day. That allows drivers to charge up their cars at night, and if need be for the car to go long distances, they can use oil.

Via :: AFS Trinity Press Release


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