Thoughts on Global Warming: ELF and ALF -- "The Top Domestic Terrorist Threat"

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

ELF and ALF -- "The Top Domestic Terrorist Threat"

(Special Report) - Part 3 in a series on extremist environmentalist groups

These homegrown terrorists have carried out more attacks in the U.S. since 9/11 than any Islamic terrorist group -- and yet, they receive very little media attention.

The Earth Liberation Front (ELF); the Animal Liberation Front (ALF); the Revolutionary Cells—Animal Liberation Brigade (RCALB); the Animal Rights Militia (ARM); the Justice Department (not the government’s). These are all animal and environmental extremist groups. Are they all the same movement under different names? Yes.

Basic Ideas

All of the above organizations actively endorse violent action for their cause besides ALF. All are for the protection of animals and nature. In particular, these sets of groups are against animal testing.

To end inhumane actions against living things, and to prevent the harm of the Earth.

Earth Liberation Front:
ELF was founded in 1992 by members of the Earth First! movement. In 2001, the FBI named ELF the top domestic terrorist threat. ELF has carried out many attacks, mostly arsons.
Animal Liberation Front:
ALF evolved in the UK from a group called the Bands of Mercy, which opposed fox hunting. In the U.S., it appeared in the 1970s. Since then, it has grown internationally. ALF has taken part in many raids to, in their opinion, rescue animals on which tests are being performed, or in zoos, aquariums, etc. One action that was very successful was the movie “Unnecessary Fuss”, which was produced in part with PETA. The 26 minute long video showed researchers laughing and joking as they used a hydraulic device to cause brain damage to baboons.
ALF is against violence.

Revolutionary Cells—Animal Liberation Brigade:
RCALB has been accused of being the ‘terrorist wing of the Animal Liberation Front’. ALF does not support the actions of RCALB. RCALB has taken responsibility for two successful bombings (luckily no one killed) and an attempted third.
Animal Rights Militia:
ARM has taken responsibility for several mail bombs, and is most famous for a 68 day long hunger strike. ARM has been accused as being another militant wing of ALF.Justice Department
The Justice Department, also accused of being another militant wing of ALF (also denied), has been called by The Independent as "the most sustained and sophisticated bombing campaign in mainland Britain since the IRA was at its height." The organization has attempted to assassinate Prince Charles, and has attempted to assassinate over 80 researchers.

These movements are leaderless, meaning participants in each group form autonomous cells and act independently.

Animal Liberation Front


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Wow, I had no idea these organizations even existed. Thanks for providing us with the background.

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