Thoughts on Global Warming: Google Files Patent for Wave-Powered Floating Data Centers

Monday, September 8, 2008

Google Files Patent for Wave-Powered Floating Data Centers

Google HQ (TGW) – Google has filed a patent for a system of floating data centers powered by the waves beneath it.

All though the patent was filed over a year ago, the patent was only recently found.

According to the patent, Google wanted to move data centers closer to users, but power generation would be too expensive to make that feasible. To solve that problem, Google came up with this idea: floating data centers holding standard shipping containers housing computers powered by wave-power generators and wind turbines.

Google engineers calculated generators spread over about half of a square mile could produce 30 megawatts of electricity, enough to operate a single system.

A crew and operating staff would live aboard in living quarters, with a helipad for transportation.

Via :: USPTO :: Greentech Blog


Anonymous said...

You file patent applications, not patents, and if you're lucky, the relevant authority in your country, e.g. the US Patent and Trademark Office, grants you the patent.

Note that this is not a patent (yet), but a published patent application.

With regard to "only recently found", the law keeps a patent application secret for 18 months, and then it is published. This application was filed on 26 February 2007 and published on 28 August 2008, as expected.

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